Monday, May 18, 2009

Got Debt?

While time is winding down, so is the deadline for final projects, one of them being the civic engagement project. The Washington Center promotes learning through three pillars: Leadership, Professional Achievement and Civic Engagement.

Civic engagement means identifying and becoming informed about an issue you care about, then working to make a positive difference in public life at the local, national or global level through:

1. volunteering with a social service, educational, or advocacy organization

2. participating in a political campaign or with an agency that encourages electoral participation

3. advocating for public policies on issues of concern to Americans and/or the global community

The Civic Engagement project consists of 4 steps:

Step 1 consisted of an identity wheel that allowed students to reflect on the factors that drive or hinder students to be civically involved. This was assigned before the spring semester began for TWC.

Step 2 was to write an outline to evaluate an organization, their role, the problem and my role.

Step 3 is the actual service involvement

Step 4 is the civic engagement presentations at the end of the semester

In my “Education is a Right” blog, I mentioned I participated in an event where students marched up to Capitol Hill demanding for higher education affordability. As a civic engagement project, my idea was to act as a correspondent for NBC reporting about the event that took place, the United States Student Association organization and the cost of college. I put together a script and a news video package with the producers and editors of NBC. It was a great experience working with NBC, especially getting insight on the routine of a news reporter.

Unfortunately there was an error with the audio while trying to upload to YouTube, but as soon as I can solve the audio problem, I will post the video again.

Once it's up, let me know what you think.

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